Thursday, October 23, 2014

Garment Wasteland

Lately, my outfits have been popping up in my head with this fresh immediacy previously unbeknownst to the cycle of my everyday routine. It usually consisted of trying on at least five pieces, hating six, completely re ruining my freshly cleaned room, and once again turning it into a garment wasteland. 

But now I've been trying this thing where I just go with what I feel. No second guessing, no "let's just see if this will work instead" stuff. I end up liking my look, and making it to my appointments without the prerequisite "running late" texts as I sit crying in between mountains of clothing. I think a bunch of wise people have talked about trusting your intuition, and I've discovered that this mantra is rather magical when it comes to getting ready. 

This look was one quickly formed early in the morning as I rushed to get completely packed for a full day's work in 20 minutes.

I love this red, silk top from Express because the color is so vibrant, yet the print reels it in with a classic feel. I love red. It's confident, bold, and energizing. 

These are James Jeans. I forgot what the style was called but they're so easy and comfortable that I actually enjoy wearing jeans from time to time now. When it comes to jeans, the waist and thigh area tend to be incompatible for me. They can be sticking to my thighs like liquid leggings but the waist will be reminiscent of a big denim hula hoop. 

These fit nice and roomy throughout though, the wash is really classic and versatile. Out of a billion pairs, these are the ones I continuously go for. I'm sure all my other denim is super jealous. 
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