Wednesday, November 20, 2013


With all its patterns, prints and pleats, fashion can really be very loud.  All the colors, cuts, and curated cloths can make quite the statement, no verbal accompaniment necessary.  Simplistic outfits can be just the fresh, understated, but still relevant look craved when the fashion frenzy becomes a bit overwhelming.
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Lately, when I want to be relaxed but still "dressed" I opt for an oversized flannel. It's like this universal piece that instantly adds edge to a look, complementing other, simple pieces in just the right way.

I tied this Alison Daley one around my waist to add some intrigue to a basic, summer in the fall, tank and high waisted mini shorts look. I picked it up for like a dollar thrifting in San Fran. I actually think it might be my favorite one because the print is just so classic. 
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Wearing a flannel around your waist can take away some of the revealing aspect of a barely there outfit, the big piece of fabric grounds the look so you're not bordering on naked.
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Speaking of short things, I love my hair this length. I'm pretty sure I said it before but short hair actually feels more feminine and sexy than long hair. I guess maybe hair can be some kind of subconscious security blanket that automatically exudes beauty so without it, that beauty is pulled from within. It feels very liberating and edgy.  photo IMG_1447.jpg
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1 comment:

LuluBabie said...

Your hair is beyond amazing and A+ for the grunge style