Monday, February 7, 2011

I'm Not Dead


It's been a minute. Life has seriously been in fast forward lately with moving to San Fran next week and all. Anyone live in the area? More specifically Downtown? Because I would love an official fashion featured tour of my new area code. Oh, and I changed my hair, which comes as no surprise to absolutely anyone I'm sure. I've been consistently inspired by edgy, free spirited, rocker-ness and I needed a look with that feel in mind. Now, I must get ready to go teach Zumba; more soon..


(top vintage, jacket/fishnets/pants forever21)


Jenn @ Peas and Crayons said...

LOVE your pants! so edgy! <3

Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

KANI said...

the chain detail is great!

thehautepursuit said...

hi girl! wooooooo u so bad ass here :p thanks for leaving that lovely comment hehe!
I do yoga every day and I'm naturally stick basically it's not very hard to stay fit!

beneath the glass said...

awesome outfit, love how edgy it is, but that you have girly accessories paired with it :)

Beneath the Glass

Behind The Seams said...

Very edgy! Thanks for you comment. Yes I need to find the time to post more ;)

Kayla said...

you just moved to SF?! So jealous!! I've been wanting to move there foreverrrrr. I love Socal and all but SF seems so rich in culture and arts, plus i prefer Fall fashion ;]

thanks so much for stopping by my blog too! <33

What is Reality Anyway? said...

hearts for sure!! x