Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Barricades and Broken Bouquets

Spring, is that you? I was beginning to wonder if that darn groundhog had seen it's shadow or not. I'm so happy to finally be able to get dressed without having to rock more layers than an onion, and to be able to appropriately incorporate brighter colors back into my daily wear (not that I ever stopped). I fell in love with this beautiful, bright floral dress the moment I saw it!

Usually, a looser fitting piece with a hemline to my knees is not my style but I was so attracted to its romantic yet fun feel, not to mention the perfect pleating of the hem that instantly reminded me of Luella spring '09, obviously validating it as a must! I love the way this dress looks with these thigh highs I got Downtown last week, they stop the look from being too sweet and add just enough edge without taking away the femininity.


(sunnies/dress-f21, thigh highs- downtown)

Spring, is that you? I was beginning to wonder if that darn groundhog had seen it's shadow or not. I'm so happy to finally be able to get dressed without having to rock more layers than an onion, and to be able to appropriately incorporate brighter colors back into my daily wear (not that I ever stopped).

I fell in love with this beautiful, bright floral dress the moment I saw it! Usually, a looser fitting piece with a hemline to my knees is not my style but I was so attracted to its romantic yet fun feel, not to mention the perfect pleating of the hem that instantly reminded me of Luella spring '09, obviously validating it as a must! I love the way this dress looks with these thigh highs I got Downtown last week, they stop the look from being too sweet and add just enough edge without taking away the femininity.


gonzalo said...

Ou, wonderful!


Magali said...

Yay, sprink is here!
Love your dress mixed with the boots!


Tuesdai Noelle said...

Hey Dannie :)

Thanks for the kudos! You ARE wearing this look, LOVIN' it on you!! I've always wanting to sport the cute dress with the flat boots, but the mirror always gazed at me back like "...Um, Tuesdai?! You are NOT the fairest of them all wearing that, SEAT!" LOL. So, I just do my style; denim jeans (or rhinestone,buttons-anything quirky) blazer, white tee, and a outlandish type of heel. I usually want the heel to be "the star" of my outfits.

Well, I'll be coming back to visit :) Have a groovy day :)!!!

Indy said...

You look amazing...I'm so ready for spring!

X said...

Hola Dannie, me gusta tu blog, este premio, "AWARD", es para tu blog, si lo quieres.


Un saludo desde España y gracias por tu visita.


=D luv ya blog too!love the dress and the tights!!

Damsels said...

i think the dress is so fun and your hair looks great shaggy like this

Anonymous said...

love the tights and dress, it's so lovely

daisychain said...

so so love that dress

Unknown said...

I am back and am going to start posting outfit posts very soon, just as soon as i get paid and purchase some hot new items!

I wish wish wish there was a Forever 21 in the UK, your sunglasses are HOT :)


Anonymous said...

loving the look
fun mix of hard with soft flowers
thanks for sharing
and thanks for the sweet comments, they mean the world!
