Wednesday, February 24, 2010

But Who Can Stand When She's In Demand

Michael Jackson is and always will be an icon, in every sense of the word.
I still rock to him, allll night.


(steve n barrys brown faux leather jacket, vintage mj tee, f21 tights, wet seal boots)


Anonymous said...

love it! Michael had such an amazing style

and fashion week was good, very bad weather though rainy snowy and very COLDDDD. the most exciting thing i went to was the rag and bone fashion show after party which was awesome and i went to some lesser known designer's showcases. i think next fashion week in September will be much better, if only for the weather!


yeah just say when so we can swap it out! :)


Indy said...

Her schemes and plans....

Wow, so utterly jealous of your awesome Michael tee. Sigh. Plus your amazing style...I'm jealous of that too! That coat rocks!

WC said...

cuuute, i love your brown jacket and michael jackson tee :)
and i agree we should! haven't ever done that before haha


daisychain said...

Incredible :)

Kristiana Vasarina said...

this look really suits you, i love it!: )